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Þá finnur maður eitthvað svona skemmtilegtWizard



If you don't rise before the sun today, you're sure to stay up past your bedtime; you are bound to pack in as many extra hours into this day as possible. Brimming with physical energy, throw yourself into a day of invigorating and satisfying yard work. You'll finish with a garden that is really ready to step into summer.

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Blasting music from the local country station might not be your cup of tea, but try your best to be tolerant -- that's the music your housemate loves to hear while he's cleaning. You'll find there are secret advantages to being understanding of others' music, design or food choices today.

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Comments slide easily off your tongue like melted butter slipping from a dish into a mixing bowl. You're light, confident and airy; your true nature and best qualities shining through. But beware -- others may take your effervescent commentary more seriously than you mean it.

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What better way to show off your new interior design than by throwing a little dinner party? There's no need to go all out with the food, just a simple dinner and decent wine will suffice. The simplicity will better showcase the real piece of art you want to display -- your home.
In your mind (and perhaps in reality) you are standing atop the table shouting 'magnificent!' and gesturing wildly with your hands. Survey your finished project; your creations will be brilliant today.

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Your urge may be to crawl under your grandmother's crocheted blanket in your bedroom with a book and a flashlight so that no one finds you there, but hiding really isn't the most ideal solution. It may feel as if there is way too much happening, but you have to stay strong and keep a clear head.

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You're inclined not to be able to see the forest through the trees today. Watch out for getting caught in miniscule details while the bigger picture is passing you by. Avoid projects that require you to focus on small and specific points -- embroidery and balancing of budgets are not recommended today.

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You have a big challenge before you and you're feeling a tad bit stressed. Try to focus on the process as well as the end result and remind yourself that every step along the way is an important one. Keep focused and face your DIY project one step at a time.

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Love can be confusing, but there is a way to fix your relationship fast. Wendi can teach you the hypnotic secret of seduction ... click here to learn how.

Sure, you don't have to go to Las Vegas or the races, but it might not be a bad idea today! If you're invited to a neighborhood game of poker or cribbage, you should definitely attend. Not the gambling type? Take advantage of your good fortune by manifesting your desires. What do you want to happen in your world today? Just imagine it!

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Count your change at the hardware store and make sure you really have all the dry cleaning you dropped off when you pick it up. No, no one is trying to pull the wool over your eyes, but watch for inadvertent mistakes that could save you a lot of trouble if caught before it's too late.

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It is bad enough when your neighbor lingers, chatting in your yard when all you want to do is get back to work in the garden before the last rays of sun leave the sky. And you can hardly believe it when an unexpected visitor cuts your bath short. Be prepared for interruptions coming at you from every direction.

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How many pots can be on the stove at one time? Today is a day when you'd like to pull out your 'one-pot-wonder' recipe book and serve up a dish you can eat in a bowl. There is way too much going on for you today -- do your best to simplify and downsize wherever you can.

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1 Smámynd: Kristín Katla Árnadóttir

Góð stjörnuspáin mín sem eru fiskarnir. Knús

Kristín Katla Árnadóttir, 13.5.2008 kl. 19:23

2 Smámynd: Aprílrós

Ég er hrútur !!!!!

kveðja Guðrún

Aprílrós, 13.5.2008 kl. 23:33

3 Smámynd: Guðrún Jóhannesdóttir

þetta er nú líka aðeins til gamans gert Helga mín, ég les þessar spár alltaf þegar þær berast og skemmti mér yfir þeim.

Guðrún Jóhannesdóttir, 14.5.2008 kl. 14:40

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